[Tex/LaTex] Frame/Box around \chapter-, \section-headings,


Does anyone know how to put a frame around \chapter and \section-headings? I'm using Koma-Script (scrbook) but there it's rather difficult to find a solution …

Now I found the package 'titlesec'. I think it must be possible to solve my problem with it but unfortunately I don't get it.

Here's a little code-example with some (hanging!) \chapter and \section's where I want a frame around …



\geometry{a4paper, top=35mm, left=30mm, right=60mm, bottom=25mm, headsep=15mm, footskip=12mm}






\chapter{Lorem ipsum}


I also added an image where you can see the result that I want to get … but unfortunately don't know either how to manage. That's how it should look like

On the other hand I've already a solution by redefining \makechapterhead and defining a new \Section (capital 's') for framed section headings. Unfortunately I neither wasn't able to add the 'spacing' between chapter/section-number and chapter/section-heading in this redefinitions nor to redefine section in the way that I don't have to use this new command 'Section' 🙁

  {-0.0ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
  {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
  {\ifnum \scr@compatibility>\@nameuse{scr@v@2.96}\setlength{\parfillskip}{\z@
      plus 1fil}\fi

    \begin{mdframed}[linewidth=0.0pt, innerleftmargin=0, innerrightmargin=0, innertopmargin=2pt, innerbottommargin=0, backgroundcolor=lightgray]
    \@tempa{\ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\m@ne%
    {\raggedsection \interlinepenalty \@M \size@chapter{#1}\par}}%

\newcommand\Section[2][]{\begin{mdframed}[linewidth=0.5pt, innerleftmargin=0, innerrightmargin=0, innertopmargin=2pt, innerbottommargin=2pt, linecolor=gray, skipabove=24pt]%

It would be great if someone could help me!
Thank you in advance and greetings from Austria.

There's the picture I mentionned below: The headings should be at the same position.

— Code Example for @Herbert —



\geometry{a4paper, top=35mm, left=30mm, right=60mm, bottom=25mm, headsep=15mm, footskip=12mm} 







\chapter{Lorem ipsum} 


     \par% sonst gibt es eine Warnung 
    \includegraphics[scale=0.30, angle=90]{demo} 
     \par% sonst gibt es eine Warnung 
    \includegraphics[scale=0.30, angle=90]{demo} 



— @Herbert

In the code example before there has to be included \usepackage{titletoc} and the following code block before \begin{document}:


In the Latex-Body the table of contents is going to be printed by using \tableofcontents. So far so good, now – with all redefinitions of \chapter \section etc., the table of contens looks like enter image description here

… but, it should look like (this result I get without the redefinitions) enter image description here

Best Answer

You can play with the vertical spaces. I defined all section commands new:


\geometry{a4paper, top=35mm, left=30mm, right=60mm, bottom=25mm, headsep=15mm, footskip=12mm}




\chapter*{Test unnumbered chapter}
\section*{Test unnumbered section}
\subsection*{Test unnumbered subsection}

\chapter{Test numbered chapter}
\section{Test numbered section}
\section*{Test unnumbered section}
\subsection{Test numbered subsection}
\subsection*{Test unnumbered subsection}


enter image description here

And here is some code for placing images without textpos:
