Floats – Formatting List of Custom Floats in Classic Thesis

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I am writing a document using classicthesis package, where I have some algorithms written with the clrscode package. I used package float to create a new float named "algorithm". However when I print the list of algorithms using \listof{algorithm}{List of algorithms} I either get a wrongly formatted list (i.e. with the long series of dots ……….., which is different from the other ones in classicthesis), or a correctly formatted one, but where algorithms are called "figure".

I trimmed down my document so that I got this minimal working example:








    \listof{algorithm}{List of algorithms}

\chapter{Test chapter}\label{ch:algotest}

\section{Some tests}

Algorithm \ref{alg:first} shows a plain algorithm. Figures \ref{fig:first} and \ref{fig:second} show a couple figures, and a table is shown in table \ref{tab:first}.

  \caption{A plain algorithm\label{alg:first}}
    while not finished:
      do stuff

  \caption{First figure\label{fig:first}}
  This one is a figure.

  \caption{Second figure\label{fig:second}}
  This one is a figure too.

  \caption{Table figure\label{tab:first}}
  This one is a table.


If the line \usepackage{scrhack} is used I got the "figure" name instead of "algorithm", whereas if it is commented out I got the wrongly formatted list.

From what I found on the web it seems that scrreprt and float packages are incompatible, thus the need for scrhackpackage, but I could not find anything related to classicthesis.

Is there a way to properly format a list of custom floats?

Best Answer

Here's a hack:




\usepackage{scrhack} % load after "float"





    \listof{algorithm}{List of algorithms}

\chapter{Test chapter}\label{ch:algotest}

\section{Some tests}

Algorithm \ref{alg:first} shows a plain algorithm. Figures \ref{fig:first} and \ref{fig:second} show a couple figures, and a table is shown in table \ref{tab:first}.

  \caption{A plain algorithm\label{alg:first}}
    while not finished:
      do stuff

  \caption{First figure\label{fig:first}}
  This one is a figure.

  \caption{Second figure\label{fig:second}}
  This one is a figure too.

  \caption{Table figure\label{tab:first}}
  This one is a table.


enter image description here

Thanks to @lockstep for pointing out the correct loading order of the packages.