[Tex/LaTex] Forcing enumerated \bibitems using bib units


I'm editing my CV and I wanted to use the bibunits package to make separate mini-bibliographies for different sections. Here is some code:


\usepackage[pdfborder={0 0 0},breaklinks]{hyperref}


\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\sc #1}%
\begin{cvlist}{\sc #1}}

\smash{\parbox[t]{\cvlabelwidth}{\raggedright #1}}%

\item[\sc \multilinelabel{#1}]
\IfFileExists{\@bibunitname.bbl}{}{Run \texttt{bibtex


\begin{cv}{Anand D. Sarwate \hfill Curriculum Vit\ae}

\pubs{Journal Papers}{test1,test2,test3}


I couldn't figure out how to use filecontents so it is faster to provide test.bib here:

Author = {A. D. Sarwate},
Journal = {Baz : Theory and Applications},
Number = {1},
Title = {Baz is meh},
Volume = {1},
Year = {2011}}

Author = {A. D. Sarwate},
Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Bar},
Number = {2},
Title = {Bar is better},
Volume = {8},
Year = {2010}}

Author = {A. D. Sarwate},
Journal = {Journal of Foo Studies},
Number = {3},
Title = {Foo is awesome},
Volume = {12},
Year = {2009}}

But when I put in \pubs{Journal Papers}{test1,test2,test3}, I get an unnumbered list of bibitems. What I want is a numbered bibliography, so that it looks something like:

Journal Papers

[1] A.D. Sarwate, "Foo is awesome", Journal of Foo Studies 12(3), 2009.

[2] A.D. Sarwate, "Bar is better", IEEE Transactions on Bar 8(2), 2010.

[3] A.D. Sarwate, "Baz is meh", Baz : Theory and Applications, Los Angeles, CA, June 2011.

and each bibunit is independently numbered. The lack of numbering I see now seems to not change with the bibliography style I use. Is there a way to force BibTeX to number each bibunit?

Is this a problem with \nocite? If I change the command to use \cite then the \cite command produces numbers like [1-3] but the bibliography remains unnumbered.

Best Answer

A solution based on etoolbox is the following

\apptocmd{\@bibitem}{\stepcounter{mybibitem}[\themybibitem] }{}{}}
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