Titles – Force Multiple Lines for Name Tag


I'm currently entering authors an a paper and I came across this problem:

enter image description here

As you can see there are multiple names on one line, though outside the page. I would like to get them on two lines. At the moment I'm using the \name tag. I tried separating the lines the sentence by adding two backslashes, but it did not help. (I get "! Missing } inserted." error.) I tried replacing the \name tag by \author, but it did not work.




 \name{Name1$^{1}$, Name2$^{3}$, name3$^{3}$ name4 $^{1,2}$, name5,$^{2}$ name6 $^{2}$, name7$^{3}$}



I tried:

 \name{Name1$^{1}$, Name2$^{3}$, name3$^{3}$ name4\\ $^{1,2}$, name5,$^{2}$ name6 $^{2}$, name7$^{3}$}

But I get an error.

Best Answer

Referring to this spconf.sty file, getting author names on more than one line is slightly awkward. The macro \name is defined by

\def\name#1{\gdef\@name{{\em #1}\\}}

and in the definition of \maketitle, we find

\begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@name \\ \@address  
\end{tabular}\par} \end{center}

So, if you use

\name{A. N. Author, \\ A. N. Other Author}

then TeX gets upset when \maketitle is executed because the \\ in \name ends up trying to split the group surrounding \em across two lines of a tabular. One way around this is to bypass \name; thus

\def\@name{ \emph{A. N. Author},  \\ \emph{A. N. Other Author}}

but the publisher may not be happy about such skulduggery.