[Tex/LaTex] Force 10 base multiplier


How can I get a 10 base multiplier at every tick?
I only get 1 multiplier that has a strange position

scaled y ticks={base 10:-3}

I can't recreate it right now, however by default I got the lowest numbers scaled, the rest was normal decimal numbers. I would like to keep it consistent throughout the complete axis. Either no scaling at all (which looks bad if the numbers are small enough) or scaling all the way.

scale ticks below exponent={-2}

Does not work if the ticks values from the axis differ too much (then only 1 axis is scaled properly).
Thanks in advance! Still learning.

Best Answer

Since the MWE was not available, I took the liberty to study you recent post your example, follow your concern, and this is what this attempt has done for a possible solution to your question.

When scale ticks={base 10:-3} key is used, the base 10:-3 will divide every tick label by 10^-3, resulting in a common factor 10^3 for y axis and causing problems on number formatting. A quick fix is to remove the fixed style in the style.

I use your example to demonstrate the idea.

enter image description here




xmajorgrids, scaled x ticks = false,
x tick label style={
/pgf/number format/.cd,
ylabel={[V]%\textsubscript{0}]=$\frac{\texttt{mol}}{\texttt{L} \cdot \texttt{s}}$
ymajorgrids,scaled y ticks={base 10:-3},
%/pgf/number format/sci subscript, % alternative expression (method 2)
y tick label style={    
/pgf/number format/.cd,
%fixed,                            % mark out this style    (method 1)
legend style={at={(0,1)},anchor=north west}
\addplot [
mark size=2pt,
only marks,
mark options={solid,}%fill=mycolor1}
table[row sep=crcr]{
0.001198562 0.0344717664736108 \\
0.002394254 0.0365895792303057 \\
0.003984064 0.0563386501133353 \\
0.011857708 0.111166458313178 \\
0.019607843 0.164120742512085 \\
0.031007752 0.220381981506325 \\
0.038461538 0.22523224268105 \\
