[Tex/LaTex] footnote in footer


I have a problem with placing a footnote.
In the text I use \footnote{blabla} and it works well and displays the "blabla" at the bottom of the page. But I use a header and footer in the document and I would like to place the footnote in the footer below the line, that separates the footer from text. I have managed to remove the line above the footnote so now I do not have two lines (one to separate footnote and another to separate footer), but the footnote is still part of the text and not part of the footer. I have also tried using "bottom" in the use package:


but that did not help.

Do you know how can I force the footnote to be part of the footer?

Best Answer

I faced the same problem, and I managed to get the footnote text into the page footer using a simple hack. To display the footnotemark, I temporarily change the fancyhdr layout using \thispagestyle:

% footnote in footer
    \fancyfoot[LO,RE]{\parbox{12cm}{\footnotemark[#1]\footnotesize #2}}%

It can be used like a normal pair of \footnotemark[x] and \footnotetext[x] (manual numbering is mandatory, as it is not figured out automatically):

text that needs a footnote\footnotemark[1]

\fancyfootnotetext{1}{this is the footnote which will appear in the page footer}

For changing the footnote appearance, please refer to the fancyhdr's documentation: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr

footnote in fancyhdr's footer