[Tex/LaTex] Footnote does not show up


\usepackage{tocbibind} % fa apparire la bibliography
\usepackage{color, colortbl}
\geometry{a4paper, top=3 cm, left=3.5 cm, right=3.0cm, bottom=3.0cm}

\centerline{\ce{2NH3_{(g)} + \co_{(g)} <=> NH2COONH4_{(l)}}
\footnote{$\Delta H =\SI{-117}{\frac{Kj}{mol}}$ at 110 atm and 160\celsius}}

\centerline{\ce{NH2COONH4_{(l)} <=> CO(NH2)2_{(l)} + H2O_{(l)}}
\footnote{($\Delta H =\SI{+15.5}{\frac{Kj}{mol}}$ at 160-180\celsius}} 

I want to display the footnotes at the bottom of the page, but it does not show up.

Best Answer

There are several weaknesses in your code. For instance the usage of \centerline that is the cause of your headache and does no purpose at all.

You're loading packages and not using them properly. And also packages that duplicate action of others you load. For instance, gensymb does nothing siunitx can do better. Also csquotes does much better than dirtytalk.

Your preamble is confused and there are many duplications. I removed some of the useless packages (if you load float for the [H] option, don't). Instead of colortbl and color, call xcolor with the table option. Also tocbibind should receive the nottoc option or the table of contents will be listed in the table of contents.

I also removed \linespread{1.5}; if you need increased interline, use setspace.

Note that \SI{-117}{\kilo\joule\per\mol} avoids the errors of denoting the “kilo” prefix with an uppercase letter and “joule” with a lowercase one. I set per-mode=fraction, but the result, as you see, is poor.

Instead of mathptmx, it's much better to do


(but I didn't change this).

Finally, instead of footnotes to displayed formulas, I'd simply add the note as text following the display. But you (or your advisor) are the final judge.

\RequirePackage{fix-cm} % pull away spurious warnings



% generic set up
\geometry{a4paper, top=3 cm, left=3.5 cm, right=3.0cm, bottom=3.0cm}





% personal commands



\ce{2NH3_{(g)} + \co_{(g)} <=> NH2COONH4_{(l)}}
\footnote{$\Delta H =\SI{-117}{\kilo\joule\per\mol}$ at \SI{110}{atm} 
  and \SI{160}{\celsius}}

\ce{NH2COONH4_{(l)} <=> CO(NH2)2_{(l)} + H2O_{(l)}}
\footnote{($\Delta H =\SI{+15.5}{\kilo\joule\per\mol}$ at


enter image description here

(Note: I cheated with the text height in order to produce a smaller picture, but this has no influence on the final result.)

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