[Tex/LaTex] Fontspec, set font size for italic



How can I set different font for all italic in the document?

 ItalicFont={Phenomena Light},
{Cormorant Medium}  % Основной шрифт текста

It's work. But I can't set ItalicFont size

    ItalicFont={Phenomena Light},
    {Cormorant Medium}  % Основной шрифт текста

Don't work, get an error.

The size of the main text 12pt. The font for italics is slightly higher than the main text.

enter image description here

Best Answer

I would use the \defaultfontfeatures directive to match the x-heights of all fonts automatically. E.g.,

\setmainfont[ItalicFont={Times New Roman Italic}]{Arial}

The \textit{quick} brown \textit{fox} jumps \textit{over} the \textit{lazy} dog.

where I've substituted in two fonts which happen to be available on my system. The result is:

enter image description here

For comparison, this is what one gets without the \defaultfontfeatures directive -- observe the vastly different x-heights of the main and italic font:

enter image description here