[Tex/LaTex] Fonts in Abstract


I am using AMS Latex Article template and I have this problem: The word "ABSTRACT" in the abstract section is, by default, all capitalized and not bold. I want to change that to bold and capitalize only the first letter of the word abtract. Can anyone help please?

\documentclass[timesroman11pt, reqno]{amsart} 
\renewcommand\abstractname{\textbf{Abstract}} \usepackage[left=1.1in,top=1in,right=1.1in,bottom=1in]{geometry} 
\usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{times} 
% {\normalfont\centering}}% DELETED 
{\normalfont}}% NEW 
\def\section{\@startsection{section}{1}% \z@{.7\linespacing\@plus\linespacing}{.5\linespacing}% 
% {\normalfont\scshape\centering}} % DELETED 
{\normalfont\bfseries\Large}}% NEW 

Best Answer

Many document classes store standard section names such as Abstract and References in variables with names such as \abstractname and \refname. Often you just have to change their definition.


However, in this case things are slightly more complicated, because amsart.cls uses


to typeset the heading for the abstract. I think it's true to say that in the default font, there are no bold small capitals, so in


the \scshape gets ignored, and the above \renewcommand works as intended. However, if you load a font that does have these glyphs (e.g. with \usepackage{mathptmx}) then 'Abstract' will end up capitalised. To prevent this, you can use the etoolbox package to get rid of \scshape entirely, and replace it with \textbf.

\author{A Mathematician}
\title{A nice paper}
This is the abstract.