[Tex/LaTex] Font settings in siunitx package


I have changed the whole font settings by using fontspec package.


\setmainfont{Source Sans Pro}[
UprightFont     =Source Sans Pro-Light,
BoldFont        =Source Sans Pro-Semibold,
ItalicFont      =Source Sans Pro-Light Italic,
BoldItalicFont  =Source Sans Pro-Semibold Italic]



 5 km \SI{5}{\km} $\SI{5}{\km}$ $5\text{km}$

enter image description here

But when I type inside \SI environment, I want the font to be the same as in math mode. How can I achieve this?

Best Answer

The \SI macro in siunitx has optional parameters (list of key-value pairs). One of the keywords is 'mode', with possible values 'text', 'math'. You may have to set 'detect-mode' to false in \sisetup.
If you want to always use the math fonts for your measures/units, then you can use


This is explained in the documentation of the siunitx package. You can also select the math fonts with other package macros. Full exemple (note that I use LuaLatex):

\usepackage{mathpazo} %shows the differences between math and text mode better


