[Tex/LaTex] Font in ToC entries

fontstable of contentstocloft

I used


to change the font from Times New Roman to sans serif in my table of contents. Then I used


in preamble to increase the space between ToC entries. But I found that all the entries in ToC (except chapter name) changed back to Times New Roman. How can I fix this. A MWE is given below:

\documentclass[fleqn, a4paper, 11pt, oneside]{book}







Best Answer

When using tocloft, you have to set the fonts for each sectional component separately. There is no over-arching font setting, since each component is placed inside a box or group with their own font-specification. It allows the ultimate specificity, even though it might not suit your generic needs:

enter image description here



% Adjust sectional unit title fonts in ToC






Note that you'll have to set the page number fonts as well. This requires
