[Tex/LaTex] Fixed right margin of longtable


I have several equations in my paper, with variables explained below in the form of longtable (so it can be split into two pages). I want my table to be as wide as the text. I try to use \LTright but it doesnt work (\LTleft works fine)…(why???) I can define the width of the last column with p{xcm} but thanks to second column every table differs in the width and I dont want to test the width for every single table. I want to have the margin between table and right edge of the paper fixed.

\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt,titlepage]{report}

\usepackage{palatino, url, multicol}
  {\normalfont\huge\bfseries}{\chaptertitlename\ \thechapter}{20pt}{\Huge}  

\usepackage[left=3.5cm, right=2.5cm, top=2.5cm, bottom=2.5cm]{geometry}

  EVA = NOPAT - WACC \cdot Capital

\setlength\LTright{-10cm} %I want 2.5 cm of the margin
  kde:  & NOPAT &=& Zisk z operativní činnosti podniku po dani (ang. "net operating profit after taxes") \\
   & WACC &=& Průměrné vážené náklady kapitálu \\
   & Capital &=& Aktiva potřebná k hlavnímu provozu podniku   \\



Best Answer

You need some flexibility somewhere if you want to stretch the line to be full width.


Is the easiest way: adding stretchable glue between each column (and removing the fixed glue before the first column and after the last)

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