[Tex/LaTex] Fitting table to half of the page using template


Table to fit the rest of the paper width
my question,
I use the amcs template amcs template
and the following:



    \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{c L S[table-format=0.1]*{2}{S[table-format=0.1]}}
        \thead{ID}  &   \thead{UCI Dataset Name} 
        &   {\thead{Samples\\(number)}}
        &   {\thead{Attributes\\(number)}} 
        &   {\thead{Classes\\(number)}}           \\
        DS1 & Poker Hand                          & 1025010  & 11    & 9     \\
        DS2 & SUSY                                & 5000000  & 18    & 2     \\
        DS3 & Record Linkage Comparison  Patterns & 5749132  & 9     & 2     \\
        DS4 & KDD Cup 1999                        & 4898431  & 42    & 23    \\
    \caption{Datasets used for empirical evaluation}

This is the result I get:
enter image description here
I need it to be in one column of the page. It is supposed to match into one column to the amcs format, like this:enter image description here
How can I adjust the table to fit into one page column?

Best Answer

Replace first row of your table with:

\begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}c L S[table-format=7.0]*{2}{S[table-format=2.0]}@{}}

Result will be something like this:

enter image description here

Edit: Slightly better result you will obtain with:

\begin{tabularx}{\columnwidth}{@{}c L S[table-format=7.0]*{2}{S[table-format=2.0]}@{}}
    \thead{ID}  &   \thead{UCI Dataset Name}
    &   {\thead{Samples\\(num.)}}
    &   {\thead{Attributes\\(num.)}}
    &   {\thead{Classes\\(num.)}}           \\
    DS1 & Poker Hand                          & 1025010  & 11    & 9     \\
    DS2 & SUSY                                & 5000000  & 18    & 2     \\
    DS3 & Record Linkage Comparison  Patterns & 5749132  & 9     & 2     \\
    DS4 & KDD Cup 1999                        & 4898431  & 42    & 23    \\
\caption{Datasets used for empirical evaluation}

enter image description here

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