[Tex/LaTex] Fit longtable to width of latex document


I am having the problem of fitting a latex table to my document:

\textbf{}                         & {\ul \textbf{oenb\_dependent}} & {\ul \textbf{carReg}} & {\ul \textbf{cpi}} & {\ul \textbf{primConstTot}} & {\ul \textbf{resProp.Dwell}} & {\ul \textbf{cbre.office.primeYield}} & {\ul \textbf{cbre.retail.capitalValue}} \\ \hline
\textit{Number of Values}         & 57,00                          & 57,00                 & 57,00              & 57,00                       & 57,00                        & 57,00                                 & 57,00                                   \\ \hline
\textit{Number of Missing Values} & 0,00                           & 0,00                  & 0,00               & 0,00                        & 0,00                         & 0,00                                  & 0,00                                    \\ \hline
\textit{Min}                      & -9,23                          & -27,11                & -5,38              & -3,36                       & -12,10                       & -1,00                                 & -1882,35                                \\ \hline
\textit{Max}                      & 11,26                          & 17,55                 & 1,28               & 2,40                        & 11,30                        & 0,40                                  & 1386,67                                 \\ \hline
\textit{Range}                    & 20,49                          & 44,66                 & 6,66               & 5,76                        & 23,40                        & 1,40                                  & 3269,02                                 \\ \hline
\textit{Sum}                      & 0,77                           & -2,53                 & -88,41             & -37,13                      & -45,90                       & 2,40                                  & -12800,35                               \\ \hline
\textit{Median}                   & -0,22                          & 0,24                  & -1,40              & -0,43                       & -0,40                        & 0,05                                  & 0,00                                    \\ \hline
\textit{Mean}                     & 0,01                           & -0,04                 & -1,55              & -0,65                       & -0,81                        & 0,04                                  & -224,57                                 \\ \hline
\textit{SE of Mean}               & 0,57                           & 1,05                  & 0,21               & 0,11                        & 0,48                         & 0,04                                  & 69,92                                   \\ \hline
\textit{95\% CI of Mean}          & 1,13                           & 2,09                  & 0,42               & 0,23                        & 0,96                         & 0,07                                  & 140,08                                  \\ \hline
\textit{Variance}                 & 18,25                          & 62,31                 & 2,49               & 0,74                        & 13,06                        & 0,08                                  & 278697,92                               \\ \hline
\textit{Std. Dev.}                & 4,27                           & 7,89                  & 1,58               & 0,86                        & 3,61                         & 0,28                                  & 527,92                                  \\ \hline
\textit{Coef. Var.}               & 317,97                         & -177,59               & -1,02              & -1,32                       & -4,49                        & 6,64                                  & -2,35                                   \\ \hline
\caption{Output of pre-selected and finally chosen variables of the variable selection process.}

As you can see the table goes beyond the border:

enter image description here

I am trying to use p{2cm} for fitting the table, but it still does not work.

Any suggestions, how to fit the table properly to my document?

Best Answer

There is no hope of fitting a table with such long headers. A way out can be using symbols for them, that are explained at the bottom of the table:





& {(1)} &{(2)} &{(3)} &{(4)} & {(5)} &{(6)} & {(7)} \\
\textit{Values}          &  57,00 &   57,00 &  57,00 &  57,00 &  57,00 & 57,00 &     57,00 \\
\textit{Missing Values}  &   0,00 &    0,00 &   0,00 &   0,00 &   0,00 &  0,00 &      0,00 \\
\textit{Min}             &  -9,23 &  -27,11 &  -5,38 &  -3,36 & -12,10 & -1,00 &  -1882,35 \\
\textit{Max}             &  11,26 &   17,55 &   1,28 &   2,40 &  11,30 &  0,40 &   1386,67 \\
\textit{Range}           &  20,49 &   44,66 &   6,66 &   5,76 &  23,40 &  1,40 &   3269,02 \\
\textit{Sum}             &   0,77 &   -2,53 & -88,41 & -37,13 & -45,90 &  2,40 & -12800,35 \\
\textit{Median}          &  -0,22 &    0,24 &  -1,40 &  -0,43 &  -0,40 &  0,05 &      0,00 \\
\textit{Mean}            &   0,01 &   -0,04 &  -1,55 &  -0,65 &  -0,81 &  0,04 &   -224,57 \\
\textit{SE of Mean}      &   0,57 &    1,05 &   0,21 &   0,11 &   0,48 &  0,04 &     69,92 \\
\textit{95\% CI of Mean} &   1,13 &    2,09 &   0,42 &   0,23 &   0,96 &  0,07 &    140,08 \\
\textit{Variance}        &  18,25 &   62,31 &   2,49 &   0,74 &  13,06 &  0,08 & 278697,92 \\
\textit{Std.\ Dev.}      &   4,27 &    7,89 &   1,58 &   0,86 &   3,61 &  0,28 &    527,92 \\
\textit{Coef.\ Var.}     & 317,97 & -177,59 &  -1,02 &  -1,32 &  -4,49 &  6,64 &     -2,35 \\
%%% Headers
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(1) \textbf{oenb\_dependent}} \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(2) \textbf{carReg}} \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(3) \textbf{cpi}} \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(4) \textbf{primConstTot}} \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(5) \textbf{resProp.Dwell}} \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(6) \textbf{cbre.office.primeYield}} \\
\multicolumn{8}{l}{(7) \textbf{cbre.retail.capitalValue}} \\

\caption{Output of pre-selected and finally chosen variables of the variable selection process.}


I also recommend siunitx and booktabs, that give more professional appearance to the table. The value after table-format is the number of digits in the integer and decimal part, with an optional sign if present in the column. In column one I don't specify the sign, because it's taken care of by the last entry; similarly for the sixth column, the two digit first entry is taken care of by the minus sign.

Since the table was still overfull by about 41pt, I removed 3pt of separation between columns (two spaces are inserted between columns, and 6 times 7 makes 42).

enter image description here