[Tex/LaTex] First paragraph indentation with ragged2e and \RaggedRightParindent set


I am using the ragged2e package for my raggedright text and have set \RaggedRightParindent to 2em, as I want my paragraphs indented. But now, the very first paragraph in the document (following \maketitle is also indented. My original question was why the first graf in a new section is indented, though, as the first commenter pointed out and as the MWE shows, the first graf in a new section is not indented. So my question is now why the very first paragraph is not indented.

Is there anyway to have ragged2e set \RaggedRightParindent for the very first paragraph of a document to return to flush left?

Here is my MWE:


%% packages

%% Paragraph settings

\title{Dummy title}
\author{Dummy author}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam imperdiet venenatis mi ut vehicula. Sed semper pharetra fringilla. Pellentesque scelerisque sagittis sem, ut vestibulum lectus suscipit iaculis. Proin sit amet ligula scelerisque, convallis ante et, mattis mauris. 

Praesent in viverra nulla. In eleifend posuere enim, non pharetra magna accumsan nec. Donec ullamcorper et justo imperdiet vehicula. Sed malesuada erat auctor, commodo enim vehicula, iaculis orci. 

Praesent in viverra nulla. In eleifend posuere enim, non pharetra magna accumsan nec. Donec ullamcorper et justo imperdiet vehicula. Sed malesuada erat auctor, commodo enim vehicula, iaculis orci. 


Best Answer

LaTeX suppresses the indentation of the first paragraph after \section and friends (BTW, package indentfirst changes this behavior). \maketitle does not contain \section or similar commands. Therefore the paragraph after \maketitle is an ordinary paragraph with indentation. Command \noindent starts a paragraph without indentation:


\usepackage[latin]{babel} % better hyphenation for "Lorem ipsum ..."


%% Paragraph settings

\title{Dummy title}
\author{Dummy author}


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam imperdiet
venenatis mi ut vehicula. Sed semper pharetra fringilla. Pellentesque
scelerisque sagittis sem, ut vestibulum lectus suscipit iaculis. Proin sit
amet ligula scelerisque, convallis ante et, mattis mauris.

Praesent in viverra nulla. In eleifend posuere enim, non pharetra magna
accumsan nec. Donec ullamcorper et justo imperdiet vehicula. Sed malesuada
erat auctor, commodo enim vehicula, iaculis orci.

\section{Section title}
Praesent in viverra nulla. In eleifend posuere enim, non pharetra magna
accumsan nec. Donec ullamcorper et justo imperdiet vehicula. Sed malesuada
erat auctor, commodo enim vehicula, iaculis orci.



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