[Tex/LaTex] First page of ToC has a page number. How to remove it

header-footertable of contents

I have a problem with the number of the page that appears on the first page of ToC (I don't want it, of course), but only when I have at last two page of ToC. When ToC takes only one page, footer and header is clear, but when I extend it on another page the page number appears in the footer.
Here is my MWE:



\fancyhead{} % clear all header fields 
\fancyfoot{} % clear all footer fields 






\setcounter{footnote} {0}\chapter*{{\fontsize{11}{14}\selectfont \normalfont{Author1} \\
{\scshape\Large Title}}}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\normalsize\normalfont{Author1} \\ \normalfont\scshape{Title}}


Please, just copy this section a few times

 \setcounter{footnote} {0}\chapter*{{\fontsize{11}{14}\selectfont  \normalfont{Author1} \\
 {\scshape\Large Title}}}
 \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\normalsize\normalfont{Author1} \\  \normalfont\scshape{Title}}

Best Answer

Instead of


I would define a new page style: change those lines into



Then the start of your document can be




<all the rest>

Less code. I advise you also to reconsider writing for each chapter all that complicated code and define a personal command for it.

However this still leaves the page number in the first page of the ToC. Here's a hack: redefine temporarily the page style. So, instead of the simple \tableofcontents command, write

  \makeatletter \let\ps@plain\ps@empty \makeatother

There's another way to solve the problem, if, as it seems, you don't want the page number also at chapter beginning.

After \usepackage{fancyhdr} put the two lines


Then the simple \tableofcontents will do (no magic code involving @ characters).