[Tex/LaTex] Fill the Area between two “\draw” lines


I am trying to do something seemingly simple, but Latex keeps complaining. I want to draw two lines (not functions, just using the \draw command) and fill the area between them. Can somebody give me a simple answer? Thanks.
Here is a sample of what I have in mind….

\draw[name path = A] (2,2) circle (3cm);
\draw[name path = B] (0.3,-0.5)..controls(2.55,2)..(0.3,4.5);
\draw[name path = C] (3.7,-0.5)..controls(1.5,2)..(3.7,4.5);
\draw (2,5)--(2,-1);
\fillbetween[of=A and B];
\draw[fill] (2,2) circle [radius=0.1];

Best Answer

You can also use intersection segments, although these require the pgfplots package and the fillbetween library.

The layers are needed for the fill to appear below the lines.


figure 1



\draw[clip, name path = A] (2,2) circle (3cm);
\draw[name path = B] (0.3,-0.5)..controls(2.55,2)..(0.3,4.5);
\draw[name path = C] (3.7,-0.5)..controls(1.5,2)..(3.7,4.5);
\draw (2,5)--(2,-1);
%\fillbetween[of=A and B];
%\draw[fill] (2,2) circle [radius=0.1];
\fill [orange!50,
          intersection segments={
            of=A and B,