[Tex/LaTex] Fill section between two circles ipe7


I don't know if anyone here is skilled with Ipe7. A drawing tool for LaTeX.

I have two circles. One with a radius of X the other with radius X + Y, a wheel. Now I want the area between those circles filled with a color. How do I do this?

I tried joining the two circles but that fails saying: a selected object does not consists of open curves.

I also tried filling one circle and making the other opaque.

Anyone knows how to do this?

Edit: I fixed it currently by creation 2 arcs and connecting them together. However now I have a again a shape which can't be propperly joined… Hopefully someone can help me with this and explain how it is done good…


Best Answer

To be able to draw complicated shapes you need to draw the sub paths individually and then connect them by selecting two subpaths and then by right clicking on any of them selecting the Join Paths option. That will apply the line join settings on the subpaths and end points are joined properly.

In your example your subpath endpoints are not exactly aligned hence they cannot be joined.

enter image description here

The easiest way to do this without such problems is to use the endpoint snapping and starting next subpath from the snapped position. If I redraw the upper part of the problematic curve by guessing and joining all the paths I obtain the following

enter image description here