[Tex/LaTex] File icon (folded corner rectangle) frame around text


I would like to present code listings with a "file icon box". Something like this:
source code with "file icon box"

I'm aware of listings package allowing rectangle frames. My interest is in the specific shape of the frame. I think it is not specific to source code. If it does not exist off-the-shelf, I'm not afraid of some coding to achieve this.

Best Answer

I would define my own listings environment (\lstnewenvironment) which draws the box using TikZ around the listing:





    \node (L) [text width=\linewidth] {%
    \draw [listingborder]
           (L.north west)
        -- ([xshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east)
        -- ([yshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east)
        -- (L.south east)
        -- (L.south west)
        -- cycle;
    \draw [listingborder]
           ([yshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east)
        -| ([xshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east);


    \node (L) [text width=\linewidth] {%
    \draw [listingborder]
           (L.north west)
        -- ([xshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east)
        -- ([yshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east)
        -- (L.south east)
        -- (L.south west)
        -- cycle;
    \draw [listingborder]
           ([yshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east)
        -| ([xshift=-\cornerlength]L.north east);



You still need to add the waved line at the bottom. Also note that usually you can wrap the node around the environment content be replacing \node {..}; with \node \bgroup and \egroup;, however, this didn't worked for the listings environment. Most likely some of the verbatim trickery causes issues. (This is funny because verbatim should work inside a TikZ node)

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