[Tex/LaTex] Figures in appendix are not referenced correctly (or not the way I want them to :) )


In my document, I have some figures in my appendix I want to reference in my text but the output of \ref{} is only "Figure .2 shows…". It should be something like "Figure B.2".

Here's my minimal example:



    Here is my text \ref{fig:XYZ}



Best Answer

You also need to redefine \thefigure to your own format. By default scrbook removes the chapter number from it outside the main matter. I assume now you actually want the section number in it.

Also note that you should use \centering not the center environment in floats like figure. Then {figure}[h] is never a good idea. If you don't want to make the figure float use an own environment (like center which now is OK) instead and use \captionof{figure}{...} for the caption (needs either the caption (big) or capt-of (small) package). Also, please put the \label after \caption, not inside it. It works both ways but this is better.


Here is my text \ref{fig:XYZ}

Here is my text \ref{fig:XYZ2}




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