[Tex/LaTex] Figure with subfigures containing text and a drawing


I am trying to do something similar to this What I am trying to achieve but I have no idea on how to do it. Usually when I add figures i use the \begin{figure}, the problem is that I have no idea on how to achieve this result. Any idea?


Best Answer

A solution using subcaption, tikz-cd for the diagram and makecell for easy multi-line cells in a tabular environment:

        \documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{article}


        \usepackage{caption, subcaption} 
        commutative diagrams/.cd,
        arrow style=tikz,
        diagrams={>= triangle 45, line width=2*tikzcdrule}


          \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelfont = sf}
                      A & \makecell{eff : \\ dur :} & \makecell[l]{P \\ 1} \\
                      B & \makecell{eff : \\ dur :} & \makecell[l]{Q \\ 2}  \\
                      C & \makecell{pref :  \\ eff : \\dur : } & \makecell[l]{P,  Q \\ R \\ 2}
                    \caption{}\label{fig: 1a}
                    $ \begin{tikzcd}[row sep = scriptsize]
                        A_{[0} \rar & P_{\mkern 2mu [1}\arrow{ddl} \\
                          B_{[0} \rar & Q_{[2} \dlar \\
                          C_{[2} \rar & R_{[5}
                        \end{tikzcd} $\vspace{-4.3pt}
                    \caption{}\label{fig: 1b}
          \caption{A figure}\label{fig1}


enter image description here

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