[Tex/LaTex] Figure subfigure layout with different numbers


I need a layout similar to the following image. However I want only the 3 images on the right side to be subfigures (2a, 2b, 3c), But the big red image on the left should be numbered as Figure 1.


Currently I am using minipage and the 3 blue images are not caaptioned as subfigures.

%   \centering
        \caption{Merge Scenario}
        \caption{State A} 
        \caption{State B} 
        \caption{State C} 

Best Answer

Like this?

enter image description here

With use of the subfigure environment from the subcation package:

\renewcommand\thesubfigure{\thefigure\alph{subfigure}} % redefine subcaption number format
\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % in real document remove option "demo"

\setkeys{Gin}{width=\linewidth, keepaspectratio} %  common option for "includegraphics" comand
    \caption{Merge Scenario}
\caption{State A}

    \caption{State B}

    \caption{State C}


  • Gin keys enable to define common keys (option) for the \includegraphics macro. In your case this is width of images. Added keppaspectratio modify the meaning of the width and height (and totalheight) keys such that if both are specifed then rather than distort the figure it is scaled such that neither dimension exceeds the stated dimensions.
  • for numbering of sub-figures I overlooked your demand. It can be solved as suggested @Kormylo in his comment and showed in other answer.