[Tex/LaTex] Figure next to list (caption problems)


I am trying to put a figure next to a list, where the list is talking about the figure. This is fine, I can do that with the minipage environment. However, my problem is that when I try to put a caption on the figure, it captions the entire "figure" containing the minipages, not just the picture itself. I have included an example of what I have done.

I have searched around on the internet but haven't been able to work out a solution. I have tried using subfigures, wrapping text, floatinf figure, etc. None of these have worked, often giving an output with the figure in the wrong place.

Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Here is my document so far:

\usepackage[ignorefoot, ignoremp, ignorehead]{geometry}


        \begin{itemize} [ ] % To get list without points
            \item{Blah blah blah
            \item{More blah blah blah


Example output

Best Answer

Use the chemstyle package with option floatrow (to make sure the floatrow package will be used by the chemstyle package) and put a \RawFloats as first command inside the figure:

\usepackage[demo]{graphicx} % option "demo" added for compiling without images


        \begin{itemize} [ ] % To get list without points
            \item{Blah blah blah
            \item{More blah blah blah


(The \RawFloats command is described in the floatrow package documentation.)

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