TikZ-PGF – Creating a Figure in TikZ for 2 State Markov Models


I would like to make the following figure in Tikz:

enter image description here

I have tried using the code here, but I did not succeed unfortunately.

Can anyone provide me some code to make such a picture?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

One fairly simple-minded option:

      line width=1pt,
      my circle/.style={minimum width=10mm, circle, draw},
      my label/.style={above=10pt, anchor=mid}
    \node (1) [my circle] {$1$};
    \node (2) [my circle, right=75pt of 1] {$2$};
    \path [postaction={draw, {>[sep=5pt,reversed]}-{<[sep=5pt]}}, draw] (1) -- (2) node [very near start, my label] {$\alpha$}  node [very near end, my label] {$\beta$} ;
    \path [->, draw] (2.south east) arc (-135:135:5mm) node [near end, my label] {$1-\beta$};
    \path [->, draw] (1.south west) arc (-45:-315:5mm) node [near end, my label] {$1-\alpha$};

simple solution

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