[Tex/LaTex] feynmp – ! Missing $ inserted


I'm trying to execute the code:


\unitlength = 1mm
% determine the unit for the size of diagram.


However, I get an error that begins with

! Missing $ inserted 

May I ask where I am going wrong here?

Edit: I've changed the code as follows, with the feynmp-auto and graph corrections:


\unitlength = 40mm
% determine the unit for the size of diagram.


Now however I get the error:

! LaTeX Error: File `feynmp-auto.sty' not found.

from Texmaker. I used command line and get the same thing.

Best Answer

The syntax of the fmffile environment is


so with your code the file name is fmfile and LaTeX doesn't know what to do with {simple_tree} and so tries to typeset it.

The file name is that of the output Metapost file; if you want to call it simple_tree, say


There's an error also in the following line, which should be


with parentheses rather than braces.

Finally, \end{fmfgraph} is missing. Correct code:


% determine the unit for the size of diagram.



Compiling this with Metapost gives errors:

feynmf: warning: dangling vertex `v6' colliding with `v5'.
feynmf: Have you seen the warning messages above?
        They are usually caused by misspelling a vertex'
        name and can trigger errors further below!
        Fix the typos and run LaTeX and Metafont again.

Fix the code before trying.


If you have an up-to-date TeX distribution you can change




that will take care of the Metapost run (two LaTeX runs are necessary anyway if the code in the fmffile environment is changed).