[Tex/LaTex] Feynmp graphs as standalone pdfs


The way I normally handle Feynman diagrams is just to include \usepackage{feynmf-auto} and to write the whole fmffile code int he main tex file.

However, I saw that some people manage to create a separate tex file for each graph, and to somehow produce a pdf-picture of that graph. Later they embed these pdf-pictures into the main file using includegraphics.

My question is how to produce these standalone pdfs with feynman graphs using feynmp?

Consider for example the following code

\usepackage[usenames]{color} %used for font color
\usepackage{amssymb} %maths
\usepackage{amsmath} %maths
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %useful to type directly diacritic characters
\usepackage{feynmp} %Feynman diagrams
    \fmflabel{$b, \mu$}{r1}

Somehow this gets converted into a picture with only the diagram, but if I try to compile it, I get an A4 page with the graph at the bottom

Best Answer

Comments to this post helped me to come up with this template for producing standalone feynmf graphs

\RequirePackage[l2tabu, orthodox]{nag} % Issues warnings if deprecated packages are used

% my standard packages


% new style definitions come here

% commas in feynmp sometimes lead to strange errors, use \comma instead

\fmfframe(5,20)(10,15){% adjust the padding here to avoid labels being out of bounds
% the actual graph
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