[Tex/LaTex] faulty in this LaTeX Code


Consider the following code:

\fbox{\includegraphics[trim=2 0 0 0,width=\textwidth]{"Main Picture".jpg}}
\caption{Geometric Setup used for the proof of Theorem 1}

When I execute this code by clicking "QuickBuild" in TeX editor I get the following errors:

  1. ! Undefined control sequence.
  2. ! Missing number treated as zero.
  3. ! Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted).

A rough sketch of my entire code is given for reference:

\documentclass[10 pt,a4paper,twoside,reqno]{amsart} 
\textwidth = 12.5 cm 
\textheight = 20 cm 
\topmargin = 0.5 cm 
\oddsidemargin = 1 cm 
\evensidemargin = 1 cm 



{\Huge On the Reflection Property of a Pararbolid}\\[1cm]
{\Large Shrey Aryan}\\[0.6cm]
XYZ University, ABC Country


Some Text....

Some Text.....

Some Text.....

\fbox{\includegraphics[trim=2 0 0 0,width=\textwidth]{"Main Picture".jpg}}
\caption{Geometric Setup used for the proof of Theorem 1}

\section{Main Result}
Some Text....

Some Text....


Best Answer

The problem in your code is that your are using the \includegraphics command without loading a package where it is defined. This is what the error message

Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \includegraphics 
                            [trim=2 0 0 0,width=\textwidth ]{algorithm.jpg}
l.39 ...=2 0 0 0,width=\textwidth]{algorithm.jpg}}

means. The solution is to load the package graphicx which contains a definition of \includegraphics. You do this by adding \usepackage{graphicx} to the preamble of your document.

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