[Tex/LaTex] fancyhdr – Only show sections, not subsections


Is there a way for the header to only print the title of the parent section? So in the example below, the subsection{LOL} page will have "1.1 LOL" written in the header. I just want it to say "Introduction" which is the parent section.





\rhead{\fancyplain{}{MyName}} % predefined ()
\lhead{\fancyplain{}{\rightmark }} % 1. sectionname



Best Answer

Either you also redefine \subsectionmark or use the \leftmark; in article type classes, \subsection emits a \markright command.



\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markboth{#1}{}} % set the \leftmark

\fancyhead[R]{MyName} % predefined ()
\fancyhead[L]{\leftmark} % 1. sectionname



enter image description here

Note also the "modern" fancyhdr syntax that avoids \fancyplain.