Creating a Fancy Vertical Timeline


I'd like to have a timeline as similar as possible to this with the addition of being able to add a logo at the left of each textbullet, but I've got no clue at all:

enter image description here

Thanks very much in advance for any help 🙂

p.s. I've stumbled upon this answer (How can you create a vertical timeline?) but I don't how to modify it to get what I want!

Best Answer

as tikzpicture:

enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3.141592mm]{standalone}

node distance = 1mm and 3mm,
  start chain = A going below,
   dot/.style = {circle, draw=white, very thick, fill=gray,
                 minimum size=3mm},
   box/.style = {rectangle, text width=62mm,
                 inner xsep=4mm, inner ysep=1mm,
                 on chain},
    \begin{scope}[every node/.append style={box}]
\node { From september 2010 to september 2013   \\      % A-1
        \textcolor{gray}{Industrial design}     \\
        Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid} ;
\node { From september 2010 to september 2013   \\
        \textcolor{gray}{Industrial design}     \\
        Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid} ;
\node { From september 2010 to september 2013   \\      % A-3
        \textcolor{gray}{Industrial design}     \\
        Universidad Antonio de Nebrija, Madrid} ;
\draw[very thick, gray, {Triangle[length=4pt)]}-{Circle[length=3pt]},
      shorten <=-3mm, shorten >=-3mm]           % <--- here is adjusted additional arrow's 
    (A-1.north west) -- (A-3.south west);
\foreach \i [ count=\j] in {2013,2010,2006}
    \node[dot,label=left:\i] at (A-\j.west) {};
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