[Tex/LaTex] Extract first word in a string


The title pretty much says it all, I need a command to get the first word in a string.

Based on this answer to another question of mine, I tried this:


\newcommand\FirstWord[1]{\@firstword#1 \@nil}%
\def\@firstword#1 #2\@nil{#1\unskip}%

    \FirstWord{John, Paul, George and Ringo}

It almost works, except for the fact it includes the comma. I get:


While I want just:


So how can I do that?

PS: Ideally, if more than one word is inside braces, they should count as one. So \FirstWord{{John, Paul}, George and Ringo} should print "John, Paul".

Best Answer

You're almost there, just remove the trailing comma


\newcommand\FirstWord[1]{\@firstword#1 \@nil}%
\def\@firstword#1 #2\@nil{\@removecomma#1,\@nil}%


X\FirstWord{John, Paul, George and Ringo}X


X\FirstWord{John and Paul}X

X\FirstWord{{John, Paul}, George and Ringo}X


enter image description here

You can add further tests for removing other delimiters


\newcommand\FirstWord[1]{\@firstword#1 \@nil}%
\def\@firstword#1 #2\@nil{\@removecomma#1,\@nil}%


X\FirstWord{John; Paul; George; Ringo}X

X\FirstWord{John. Paul. George. Ringo}X


X\FirstWord{John and Paul}X

X\FirstWord{{John. Paul}. George. Ringo}X


If you don't need expandability, you can use l3regex:


  % split the argument at spaces
  \seq_set_split:Nnn \l_tmpa_seq { ~ } { #1 }
  % get the first item
  \tl_set:Nx \l_tmpa_tl { \seq_item:Nn \l_tmpa_seq { 1 } }
  % remove a trailing period, semicolon or comma (\Z matches the end)
  \regex_replace_once:nnN { [.;,]\Z } { } \l_tmpa_tl
  % output the result
  \tl_use:N \l_tmpa_tl


X\FirstWord{John, Paul, George and Ringo}X

X\FirstWord{John; Paul; George; Ringo}X

X\FirstWord{John. Paul. George. Ringo}X


X\FirstWord{John and Paul}X

X\FirstWord{{John, Paul}, George and Ringo}X

X\FirstWord{{John. Paul}. George. Ringo}X

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