[Tex/LaTex] Extract data from excel file with lualatex


I have an Excel file that I use as a database. Of course, there are a lot of entries (more than 4000) and I don't want to use all the data to create my PDF.

So I was thinking of using LuaLaTeX to create a script to use only the data I need.

But I don't know how to access to my Excel file with my script. Is there a proper way or not?

Best Answer

When you follow the advice of Joseph Wright and Andrew you could also use the pgfplotstable package to print your CSV file. Because you didn't provide an example, I just copied the code from this answer. To see the result, see there.

    \usepackage{siunitx} % Formats the units and values
        \sisetup{                           % setup siunitx ...
            round-mode        = places,     % rounds numbers
            round-precision   = 2,          % to 3 places
            per-mode          = symbol,     % kg/dm^3 instead kgm^{-3}
            group-four-digits = true,       % for 1 234,567
    \usepackage{booktabs}           % for table rules

    \usepackage{pgfplotstable}      % Generates table from .csv
    \usepackage{filecontents}       % <--- important: enable table
                                    % refreshing at each compilation
Chem.; Avg. Conc.; Avg. Conc. Norm.; Conc. unit; Mass sum; Mass unit
Ammonium ; 159083.33; 114450.21; \micro\gram\per\liter; 2839.463; \kilo\gram
Ammonium* ; 1234.123; 4567.890;  \micro\gram\per\liter; 2839.46; \kilo\gram

Test of use \verb+siunitx+ units syntax in text \si{\micro\gram\per\liter} and

\captionof{table}{Some caption text}
        multicolumn names,
        col sep=semicolon,  % the separator in our .csv file
        string type,        % added in hopes of enabling alphabetic input.
        header=has colnames,
        every head row/.style={before row=\toprule,after row=\midrule},
        every last row/.style={after row=\bottomrule},
        display columns/0/.style={string type},
        display columns/1/.style={column type={S[table-format=7.3]}},% use
        display columns/2/.style={column type={S[table-format=7.3]}},% siunitx
        display columns/3/.style={column type={s}}, % for units
        display columns/4/.style={column type={S[table-format=5.3]}},% for formatting
        display columns/5/.style={column type={s}}, % for units

Regarding the filtering of the Excel table: Why not just filter the Excel table directly, for example using the AutoFilter feature, copy the result to a new table and just save that as CSV file?

To copy just the "visible cells" have a look at this resource.

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