Spacing – Resolving Extra Space Added After Colored Equations


For some reason space is added after my equation when I colour it. This does not happen if the colour is added to text.

Is there a simple way to prevent this from happening, like a global setting (I am not interested in manually adjusting the space with \vspace{-1cm})? Perhaps there is a better way to colour my equation (another package, another command, etc), or in other words, am I doing something wrong?

enter image description here




    a = b + c
    a - b &= c\\
    a-c & b


\color{blue}    a = b + c
    a - b &= c\\
    a-c & b


For reference, the closest question I found to this one doesn't seem to solve my problem, ie, adding \fboxsep0pt to my preamble did not change the output.

The comment With {\color{blue}a = b + c} there is no additional space ... solves part of the problem, but it doesn't work when using for example align (it gives an error):

{\color{blue}    a - b &= c}\\
    a-c &= b

If I try to fix this using the command twice leaving the & outside, the spacing around = is wrong:

{\color{blue}    a - b} &{\color{blue}= c}\\
    a-c &= b

Best Answer

Oh. It's an AMS bug, the alignment is not color safe . Never noticed that before:-) In that case you need explicit grouping (use begingroup rather than bgroup or { as it's rather less intrusive into math spacing)

enter image description here




    a = b + c
    a - b &= c\\
    a-c & b


\begingroup\color{blue}    a = b + c\endgroup
    a - b &= c\\
    a-c & b


It's actually a bit harsh to call it an AMS bug, the same effect is seen with \[ in LaTeX however rather than grouping each case, this is probably the correct fix (anywhere in the preamble after loading amsmath. I'll ping @barbarabeeton

