[Tex/LaTex] Externalize pgfplotstable with csv file

external filespgfplotspgfplotstabletables

This is a direct follow-up question to this: Adding units to pgfplotstable header

After fixing the output I tried outsourcing the table. After figuring out that standalone does not work with longtable (thanks to @Jake) I removed that, but even then every time i try to compile with pdfLaTeX I get this error:

! Package pgfplots Error: Could not read table file 't3.dat'. In case you inten
ded to provide inline data: maybe TeX screwed up your end-of-lines? Try row se
p=crcr' and terminate your lines with \\
(refer to the pgfplotstable manual for details).

where t3.csv is the file where all the data is stored.

My file currently looks like this:


                fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=3,
                column type=p{4.5em},
                column name={\SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=3]{\concentration}{\mol\per\liter} (\SI{#1}{\percent})}}
    \pgfplotstabletypeset[col sep=semicolon,
    columns/Zeit/.style={fixed,fixed ,column type=r},
    every head row/.style={
        before row=\toprule,
        after row=\midrule\endhead
    every last row/.style={
        after row=\bottomrule


So to summarize the whole thing, I tried 2 ways to include this table:

  1. Using the standalone class and including the file with \includestandalone{subdir/filename}
  2. Using a file without any preamble and \documentclass and using the \input{subdir/filename} method.

Still I'm not able to determine what causes this error. Running Windows 7 and TeXStudio


it looks like I am not able to write a file into any directory. so the question should be, why am I not able to write a file?

Best Answer

Ok I fixed it but it wasn't as spectacular as I thought

            fixed,fixed zerofill,precision=3,
            column type=p{4.5em},
            column name={\SI[round-mode=places,round-precision=3]{\concentration}{\mol\per\liter} (\SI{#1}{\percent})}}
\pgfplotstabletypeset[col sep=semicolon,
columns/Zeit/.style={fixed,fixed ,column type=r},
every head row/.style={
    before row=\toprule,
    after row=\midrule
every last row/.style={
    after row=\bottomrule


looks pretty much the same but since standalone does not work with longtable I removed this part:

    begin table=\begin{longtable},
        end table=\end{longtable},

what I forgot was to remove the \endhead command within after row (see first Question)

And I moved all files to the same directory, not sure if this is that important. It is not that pretty but works for me.

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