[Tex/LaTex] Extending Text Outside Table Cell

horizontal alignmenttables

I have a simple graphic I'm trying to make with a table, but for it to work I need to extend the text beyond the table cell – through something like a negative margin – is this possible? Specifically, the bottom row of the table (0,c,r) should line up with the vertical borders above – currently also slightly to the right of each. The graphic represents a number line.

enter image description here


\begin{tabular}{Sc m{5cm} m{5cm}}
$\dfrac{1}{x}$ & \multicolumn{1}{|c}{F} & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{O} \\
0 & \flushright{c} & \flushright{r} \\


Best Answer

With package mathtools:

\begin{tabular}{Sc @{\clap{0}} m{5cm} @{$\mathclap{c}$} m{5cm} @{$\mathclap{r}$}}
\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\dfrac{1}{x}$} & \multicolumn{1}{|c}{F} & \multicolumn{1}{|c|}{O} \\

Notice that \clap{text} is typeset as normal text and that $\mathclap{\alpha}$ is typeset as inline math. They both create boxes of zero width with entries centered.