[Tex/LaTex] Expressing computer time units with siunitx


I need to express things like (longhand) 'this fullword contains the elapsed time in units of 1048576 microseconds'.

I would imagine something like '… units of µs × 2²° …' (horrid superscript, I know) might be an adequate shorthand, and thought of siunitx:

%In units of \si{\mebi\micro\second}. % <= Fails

In units of \si{\mebi\bit}.

In units of \si{\mebi\second}.

In units of \SI{1}{\mebi\second}

It appears that siunitx, reasonably, won't let me mix prefixes:

! siunitx error: "prefix-base-mismatch"
! Prefix bases do not match.

Can anyone suggest an adequate notation, and how I might achieve it in siunitx?

Best Answer

You can use

\DeclareSIUnit{\microsecond}{\SIUnitSymbolMicro s} \si{\mebi\microsecond}

which allows you to type

In units of \si{\mebi\microsecond}.

to get