[Tex/LaTex] Export to TikZ path in Inkscape


I'm currently using Inkscape 0.48.4 (64 bits) on Windows 8.

I downloaded the inkscape2tikz extension, copied the three files on the lower left and put them in the inkscape/share/extensions directory.

Everything so far so good. I even get everything right on the Extension -> Export -> Export to TikZ path menu, but and after I click on the apply button, I get this error:

Inkscape has received additional data from the script executed. The
script did not return an error, but this may indicate the results will
not be as expected.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "tikz_export.py", line 1419, in <module>
  File "tikz_export.py", line 1407, in main_inkscape
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape-0.48\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 216, in affect
    if output: self.output()
  File "tikz_export.py", line 1350, in output
    f = codecs.open(self.options.outputfile, 'w', 'utf8')
  File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape-0.48\python\Lib\codecs.py", line 881, in open
    file = __builtin__.open(filename, mode, buffering)
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'Myfilename'

Any ideas what might be wrong? Is this because of the extension or is it because of inkscape per se? Maybe it has to do something with it being 32 bits?

Furthermore, I'm not able to locate the .tex file. It is not on the same folder as the extensions mentioned above, or as described in here. Actually, I couldn't find them at all.

On the other hand, saving as TikZ works perfectly, but did I need to download the extensions to actually have this feature, or was it built-in and downloading the inkscape2tikz extension was a waste of time?

Side note
This all comes from here: Drawing Roman laurel leaves (SPQR) in TikZ

Best Answer

As percusse wrote:

and I fixed via some Run as Administrator combo on Inkscape. running with administrative rights fixes the error.

The file is then exported to the extension folder, which you need rights to write to. That's where the error comes from.

Without changing any paths (on Win7), just type the full path into the "Output filename" box (possibly with an ending like .tikz), e.g.:


Though, as mentioned in the comments simply using save as TikZ code (*.tex) is probably best.

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