[Tex/LaTex] Export beamer slides to powerpoint/openoffice-impress/keynote editable format


I usually prepare my talks using powerpoint/openoffice-impress/keynote, where I explaing programs, pseudocodes, etc. Recently I was thinking about creating text-only, code-only and pseudocode-only slides with beamer and then exporting them somehow to powerpoint where I modify them to add figures or some minor details for polishing the presentation, which are usually hard to do with beamer. I googled a bit around and found that beamer can export to PDF or PS but not to powerpoint. I wonder anyway if you know some possibility of conversion from beamer to on-screen editable powerpoint/openoffice-impress/keynote.

Best Answer

"beamer can export to PDF or PS", beamer doesn't export anything. It is a LaTeX class and LaTeX compiles the document to PDF (pdflatex) or DVI (latex) which then is mostly converted to PS. There is of course no powerpointlatex, so you will need to convert the PDF or PS somehow to a format PP can read, which would be RTF (Rich Text Format) or some Windows vector format like EMF or WMF. However, I would do it either with one or the other software. They do not mix well.