[Tex/LaTex] Expanding command in \addchaptertocentry


I'm using a counter to increment months in a journal and the datetime package to turn the counter into months. The months then become chapter titles in the document, so I have something like this:











The month appears ok in the text, but not in the PDF index. I tracked down this problem to \addchaptertocentry, since I can reproduce it by calling \addchaptertocentry{\monthname[\themonth]}.

The .aux file contains the command verbatim:

\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}\monthname [1]}{1}{chapter.1}}

How can I make it so that the \monthname command is expanded so that the PDF index looks right?


My reason for using datetime here is to support multiple languages (French in this example), so I would rather avoid redefining the month list.

Best Answer

If you don't need the optional argument which are making it non-expandable you could do

This version with language tests and french






\def\@orgargctr=#1\relax\ifcase\@orgargctr{\ifcase#1 }

\@ifundefined {monthname\languagename}%
{\csname \string\monthname english \endcsname [#1]}%
{\csname \string\monthname\languagename \endcsname [#1]}%
\csname\string\monthnameenglish\endcsname [#1]\fi}








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