[Tex/LaTex] Exist a calligraphic fonts (free) similar at Mathtime Pro 2 Curly script


I ask if at the code of Mico's answer to my earlier question, Looking for a Times Roman math font that closely matches selected glyphs,



\begin{tabular}{@{} >{\ttfamily}p{2.75cm} p{1.15cm} p{0.9cm} @{}}
txfonts % select from: mtpro2[lite], newtxmath[varwv], mathptmx, txfonts
& $\gamma$ $\beta $ $v$ $\Delta$ & $\gamma\beta v\Delta$

is possible (or exists) to add a similar calligraphic character that replaces Mathtime Pro 2 Curly script mtc enter image description here because I have only the lite subset of the mtpro2 package and I haven't the full version of the mtpro2 package. I would need two calligraphic font, one of the classic modern computers and the other must be similar to writing children.

Best Answer

Why those particular shapes?

As egreg mentioned in comments that's a commercial font, which is fine if that's what you want, there are no technical issues you just have to buy the font.

But there are plenty of script fonts around, You can easily have visually distinguished script fonts using fonts that are freely available and installed in TeXlive.

For example:

enter image description here



\DeclareMathAlphabet\stixcal{LS2}{stixcal}{m} {n}





