[Tex/LaTex] Exam Class: don’t print questions


Suppose I am using the exam class. There is an option \printanswers to print solutions, otherwise solutions aren't printed. I would like to suppress questions and just print the solutions. Is this possible?


I've added a basic work-around, but perhaps there is a better way to do this? Here's a demo using the modified exam class, found here.

% Document


\lhead{The author}
\rhead{The assignment}


% Preamble



What is $\int_{0}^{5} x^2 dx$?



This integral can be calculated as

\int_{0}^{5} x^3 &= \Big[ \frac{x^3}{3} \Big|_{0}^{5} \notag \\
&= \frac{5^{3}}{3}


The next question would go here

\questp{a}{Part a of the question}
\questsp{i}{Subpart of a}
\questspnob{More information}


The next answer would go here

\part Parts works in solution environment
\subpart Here is a subpart




Questions and answers

% Preamble: 

Questions and answers

Questions only

% Preamble:


Answers only

% Preamble:


Best Answer

I made the following changes to exam.cls.

First I added a \printquestions option.



Then later on



Next, I modify the solution environment. If I don't print the questions, then I wanted the solution environment to act as a \question.

  \ifprintquestions % act as a solution
    \@insolutiontrue % cancelled by the end of the environment
    \@addpointsfalse % cancelled by the end of the environment
        % Do nothing
        \penalty 0
  \else %act as a question
  \ifprintquestions %act as a solution

Next, I add a quest environment which can be hidden. However, this would need to be used instead of \question.

    \ifprintquestions % act as a question
    \else % don't show the question
        %\vspace*{-9mm} %
        % don't do anything
    \else % hide the group

One annoying thing is that itemize lists, parts and subparts won't work in the environment I defined (I believe this is due to the \question call initializing some variables which I don't initialize. Therefore, I created some basic itemize list commands using the tabular environment.

\begin{tabular}{R{0.25cm} p{14.75cm}}
(#1) & #2 \\ 


 \hspace*{2em}\begin{tabular}{R{1cm} p{13.15cm}}
(#1) & #2 \\


#1 \\ 


Some more part commands could be defined like this.

\begin{tabular}{R{0.25cm} p{13.15cm}}
 & #1 \\


 \hspace*{2em}\begin{tabular}{R{1cm} p{13.15cm}}
& #1 \\

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