[Tex/LaTex] EuropassCV: How to replace ugly “europass”-logo with some custom text


For international applications I use this europasscv-template.

However, many personell managers do not like Europass-templates because they are looking extremely corny and kitschy (what I can understand). Therefore I want to replace this ugly "europass"-logo with some custom text.

Depending on the description of the manual it seems to be easy to remove the logo with a simple \documentclass[nologo]{europasscv}. However, how is it possible to place some custom text at the previous logo position (e.g. "EUROPEAN CURRICULUM VITAE FORMAT") to make it look a bit more professional?

I would desire some nice text header like that:

enter image description here

Minimum Working Example (MWE):

\documentclass[english,a4paper]{europasscv}%            optional: nologo

\ecvname{Katie Smith}
\ecvaddress{12 Strawberry Hill, Dublin 8 Éire/Ireland}
\ecvmobile{+353 555 123 555}
\ecvtelephone{+353 127 6689}
\ecvworkphone{+353 999 888 777}
\ecvemail{smith@kotmail.com another@email.com}
\ecvhomepage{www.myhomepage.com www.another-homepage.com}
% \ecvgithubpage{www.github.com/smith}
% \ecvlinkedinpage{www.linkedin.com/in/katie-smith}
\ecvim{AOL Messenger}{katie.smith}
\ecvim{Google Talk}{ksmith}

\ecvdateofbirth{1 March 1975}

% \ecvpicture[width=3.8cm]{picture.jpg}

% \date{}



  \ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{European project manager}



Best Answer

There is nothing in the code to allow to replace this. So you would have to replace the pdf logo of the pdf or to copy the page style definitions and change them. You can adapt the \parbox to your need (e.g. move it up and down with \raisebox) but the width should be the same as the graphic.

\documentclass[english,a4paper]{europasscv}%            optional: nologo

% \setlength{\footskip}{8.4pt}

\raggedleft \selectecvfont \textcolor{ecvhighlightcolor}{\ecv@name}

    \parbox[b]{0.6\ecv@logowidth}{some text second page\\ some text}%
    \else \hspace{0.6\ecv@logowidth}\fi}\hspace{\difflength}\hspace{\ecv@colsep}{\ifx\@empty\ecv@notitle \empty \else \ecvcoloredtitle \fi}}

    \parbox[b]{0.6\ecv@logowidth}{some text title page \\ some text2}%
    \else \hspace{\ecv@logowidth}\fi}\hspace{\difflength}\hspace{\ecv@colsep}{\ifx\@empty\ecv@notitle \empty \else \ecvcoloredtitle \fi}}

\ecvname{Katie Smith}
\ecvaddress{12 Strawberry Hill, Dublin 8 Éire/Ireland}
\ecvmobile{+353 555 123 555}
\ecvtelephone{+353 127 6689}
\ecvworkphone{+353 999 888 777}
\ecvemail{smith@kotmail.com another@email.com}
\ecvhomepage{www.myhomepage.com www.another-homepage.com}
% \ecvgithubpage{www.github.com/smith}
% \ecvlinkedinpage{www.linkedin.com/in/katie-smith}
\ecvim{AOL Messenger}{katie.smith}
\ecvim{Google Talk}{ksmith}

\ecvdateofbirth{1 March 1975}

% \ecvpicture[width=3.8cm]{picture.jpg}

% \date{}



  \ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{European project manager}

  \ecvbigitem{Job applied for}{European project manager}

