[Tex/LaTex] Europass Resume Icons


How can I get vector image icons or LaTeX icons for the following resume template? Is there any default LaTeX .cls file that provide these icons (colorful icons for Windows). I would like to use similar icons in the following template. (to run this code you need few icon file that I created using Microsoft Visio).

    \hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=red,  urlcolor=blue}
    \scalerel*{\includegraphics{#1}}{X}     % SCALES TO SIZE OF CAP {}
    %\scaleto{\includegraphics{#1}}{2.00ex} % SPECIFY THE HEIGHT OF THE SCALE


    % Thin Border Line Across Page (Page Setup)

    \usepackage{enumitem}% Used to control the spacing at enumerate (eg publication)
    \usepackage{calc}% http://ctan.org/pkg/calc

    {\huge \textsc{\textbf{xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}}}

    {Address: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx} {\seticon{Linkedin_Logo.pdf} \href{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx} {https://www.linkedin.com/in/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}}\\
    {\seticon{EMail_Logo_Visio.pdf}    \href{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}{xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx} or,      \seticon{EMail_Logo_Visio.pdf}     \href{xxxxxxxxxxxx}{xxxxxxxxxxxx}},    
    {\seticon{Phone_Logo_Visio.pdf}     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}


Sample Europass

Best Answer

I would suggest using some icons from fontawesome:

enter image description here



\newcommand{\seticon}[1]{\textcolor{myblue}{\csname #1\endcsname}}


    \seticon{faMapMarker}      & Address:  & xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \\
    \seticon{faPhone}          & Phone:    & xxx-xxx-xxxx \\
    \seticon{faAt}             & Email:    & xxxxxxxx@xxxxxxxxx.xxx \\
    \seticon{faChain}          & Website:  & xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxx \\
    \seticon{faLinkedinSquare} & LinkedIn: & xxxxxxxx \\
    \seticon{faComment}        & IM:       & xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxx
