[Tex/LaTex] Errors in matrix equation


I'm getting errors in a matrix equation. When I compile it looks fine, but I'd like to fix them so I don't have to press return for every error at compile time. The code for the equation is:


U(1,t)  & \cdots & U(n,t) \\ 
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
O_{n1} & \cdots & O_{nn} 
W(1,1)  & \cdots & W(1,n) \\ 
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ 
W(n,1) & \cdots & W(n,n) 
D(1,t)  & \cdots & D(n,t) \\
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
I_{n1} & \cdots & I_{nn}


The errors I'm getting are related to missing $'s inserted.

Best Answer

If you remove the empty lines after \begin{equation*} and before \end{equation*} the error messages disappear.

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