[Tex/LaTex] Error with \newcommand and \section


I'm trying to typeset an article. In the preamble, I defined these two things:



However, when I try to use $\hr$ in a section, as in:

\section{Constructing $\hr$}

I get an error:

Incomplete `\iffalse`; all text was ignored after line 1.

Any idea what could be causing this? Everything works just fine if I don't have the $\hr$ in the section (e.g. It typesets just fine if I have \section{Constructing $\mathbb{R}$}, say).

Best Answer

It'll be a fragile command, and \section is a moving argument, so use \protect or declare it with \DeclareRobustCommand

enter image description here








\section{Constructing $\protect\hr$}


\section{Constructing $\hrB$}


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