[Tex/LaTex] Error using the package makeidx


My index is working smoothly with the command


alone. However, when I put


compilation gives two errors as

1. Command \see already defined.
\newcommand*\see[2]{\emph{\seename} #1}
2. Command \printindex already defined.

Packages I am using are:


I am curious where is the clash. I am using MikTeX 2.9 with TeXnicCenter.

Best Answer

the facilities for indexes are already built into ams document classes -- amsart, amsbook and amsproc.

if you are using one of these document classes, or another built on top of one of these, you will get the errors you report. this is well documented.

you need to say what class you are using, not just the packages. (if you are using an ams class, amsmath, amsfonts and amsthm are also built in, so need not be specified.)