[Tex/LaTex] error “ps2pdf returned exit code 1”


I´m trying to compile a doc with an .eps.

I use Winedt 9, and I use LATEX + DVI2PS + PS2PDF

All runs well with LATEX compilation, and with DVI2PS, BUT… when I use PS2PDF I obtain this message:
"ps2pdf returned exit code 1 indicating that some problems might have ocurred during the compilation"

My code is

%\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.5} % interlineado de 1.5



This is a test.\\
  % Requires \usepackage{graphicx}
The cuasi-End!\\


A months ago I compiled many .tex with .eps files, but now… I can´t compile this example.

Do you know any solution?.

I read any messages, but I have not the solution.

What the console says is:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Finally, after trying and trying.

At start of this questions I had Ghostscript 9.10 and MIKTEX updated on late October´2014 and WinEdt9

but, after reading I have found no solution, I try and try and finally I solved the problem in this way: - updated Ghostscript from 9.10 to 9.15 - Updated all the packages of MIKTEX with the admin update tool. - Deleting ghostscript 9.15, so now I don´t have any shostscript on my system. I suposse that MIKTEX have one similar thing, as I did read in any message.

and all runs well now.