[Tex/LaTex] Error message: undefined control sequence\includegraphics


I'm getting the error message:

"undefined control sequence\includegraphics"

when a try to compile the file:



I use WinEdt and compile with PdfTexify. If I compile with XeLaTeX it runs ok.

What should I do to run it properly with PdfTexify?

Here is the entire code:

Command Line: pdflatex.exe –interaction=errorstopmode –synctex=-1 "FiguraTeste.tex"
Startup Folder: C:\Users\Ronaldo\Documents

This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6350 64-bit)
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2017-04-15>
Babel <3.10> and hyphenation patterns for 75 language(s) loaded.
Document Class: amsart 2015/03/04 v2.20.2
For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option.
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsgen.sty)
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbsy.sty)
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsmath\amsopn.sty)) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\amsfonts\umsa.fd)
(C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty
) (C:\texmf\tex\latex\graphics-cfg\graphics.cfg)
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\oberdiek\catchfile.sty))" "
"auto-pst-pdf: Auxiliary LaTeX compilation"
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (MiKTeX 2.9.6350 64-bit)
entering extended mode
This is dvips(k) 5.997 Copyright 2017 Radical Eye Software (www.radicaleye.com)
' TeX output 2017.07.30:1851' -> FiguraTeste-autopp.ps
<C:/texmf/dvips/pstricks/pst-dots.pro><C:/texmf/dvips/base/special.pro>. [1
"auto-pst-pdf: End auxiliary LaTeX compilation"


LaTeX Warning: You have requested, on input line 77, version
               `2017/06/01' of package graphicx,
               but only version
               `2014/10/28 v1.0g Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)'
               is available.

(C:\texmf\tex\latex\pstricks\pstricks.sty (C:\texmf\tex\latex\xcolor\xcolor.sty
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\pstricks\pst-fp.tex `pst-fp' v0.05, 2010/01/17 (hv))
`PSTricks' v2.73a  <2017/05/22> (tvz)
(C:\texmf\tex\generic\oberdiek\atbegshi.sty)) (FiguraTeste.aux)
[Loading MPS to PDF converter (version 2006.09.02).]
Preview: Fontsize 10pt
Preview: PDFoutput 1
(cp1.pstex_t <FiguraTeste-pics.pdf, id=2, page=1, 258.9675pt x 121.45375pt>
<use FiguraTeste-pics.pdf, page 1>
! Undefined control sequence.
\Gin@setfile ...Gin@page \@empty \else (\Gin@page 
                                                  )\fi }
l.2 \includegraphics{cp1.ps}

Best Answer

I received the same error when using graphicx with auto-pst-pdf and – more importantly – received the same / a similar warning, i.e.

LaTeX Warning: You have requested, on input line 77, version
               `2017/06/01' of package graphicx,
               but only version
               `2014/10/28 v1.0g Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR)'
               is available.

In my case, updating graphicx seemed to resolve the issue – it's included in the graphics package.

Happily, a compendium of updating instructions have been compiled as a community wiki.