[Tex/LaTex] Error in displaying appendices


I'm having a problem when writing appendices for my thesis. This is the general structure:


\chapter{Chap 1}  
\chapter*{Appendix A}  
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix A}  
\section{Section 1}  
\chapter*{Appendix B}  
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix B}  
\section{Section 1}  

For some reasons, all the sections in the two appendices are displayed like this: ".1" instead of "A.1" or "B.1". And the first section in Appendix B is numbered continuously from Appendix A (For example I have 3 sections in Appendix A. The first section in Appendix B is numbered as ".4"???)

Thank a lot for any suggestions to solve this problem!

Best Answer

Appendices should have a title. If you insist in not giving a title other than “Appendix A”, then you can add

  \refstepcounter{chapter}\chapter*{Appendix \thechapter}%
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix \thechapter}%

to your preamble and do

\section{First section}

\section{Another section}

Complete example


  \refstepcounter{chapter}\chapter*{Appendix \thechapter}%
  \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Appendix \thechapter}%

\chapter{Chap 1}



\section{First section}

This is Appendix~\ref{firstappendix}


\section{Another section}

This is Appendix~\ref{secondappendix}


enter image description here

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