[Tex/LaTex] Equations and Equation Numbers within a Box


I use the code below to make a box around equations. It puts the equations numbers outside the box, however I would like to have the equation numbers within the box.

How can I alter my code to do this? Thanks in advance.




    & a = b +c \\
    & d = e+f

enter image description here

(So: I would like to have the ''(1)'' and ''(2)'' within the box.)

Best Answer

For a change, use tcolorbox:


\tcbset{myformula/.style={colback=white, %yellow!10!white,
    colframe=black, %red!50!black,
    outer arc=0pt,

\begin{tcolorbox}[ams align,myformula]
& a = b +c \\
& d = e+f

enter image description here