[Tex/LaTex] Equation with two separate answers

amsmathequationshorizontal alignmentnumbering

    2x^2+x &= 0 &\\
    x(2x+1) &= 0 &\\
    x &= 0 & 2x+1 &=0\\
    & & 2x &=-1\\
    & & x &=-\frac{1}{2}

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I have one equation that I'm solving step by step. After using the zero-product property, the equation solution splits into two equations. I need the two equations to be aligned, but not with the first one (equal signs in first two lines not aligned with the second two lines). I still want the results and equation to be numbered as one equation (now the number is in a wrong place).

After all that I want the another result to be cancelled like \cancel{x = 0} and the other to be double-underlined as the final result \underline{\underline{x=-1}}.

Any suggestions how to complete this code?

Best Answer

You could use forest or tikz-cd to illustrate these things.


forked edges,
for tree={edge+={thick,-stealth},math content}

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\begin{tikzcd}[every arrow/.append style={Leftrightarrow},column sep=0em]
 &  2x^2+x=0 \arrow[d]& \\
 & x(2x+1)=0 \arrow[dr,Leftarrow] \arrow[ddl,Leftarrow]& \\
 & & 2x+1=0 \arrow[d]\\
 x=0 & \lor & x=-\frac{1}{2} \\

enter image description here

Or with crossed out results.

\section*{With \texttt{forest}}
forked edges,
for tree={edge+={thick,-stealth},math content,
if n children=0{tier=f}{}}
  [{x=0},cross out,draw=red]

\section*{With \texttt{tikz-cd}}
\[\begin{tikzcd}[every arrow/.append style={Leftrightarrow},column sep=0em]
 &  2x^2+x=0 \arrow[d]& \\
 & x(2x+1)=0 \arrow[dr,Leftarrow] \arrow[ddl,Leftarrow]& \\
 & & 2x+1=0 \arrow[d]\\
 |[cross out,draw=red]|x=0 & \lor & x=-\frac{1}{2} \\


enter image description here

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